It Could Have Been Worse: 10 Divorces that Were Worse than Your Divorce

      I want my kidney back.  Dr. Richard Batista, of Long Island, thought he could save his wife and his marriage by donating his kidney to his wife who had kidney failure.  Four years after the transplant, Dr. Batista became aware that his wife allegedly was having an affair which prompted him to file for divorce. In the divorce, he requested that the Court order that Ms. Batista return the kidney or in the alternative pay him the sum of $1.5 million as compensation for the kidney. 

A (Brief) History of Divorce

     Few people have heard of Mr. and Mrs. James Luxford[i]. They were a married couple who lived in Massachusetts. Mr. Luxford was also married to two other women which became the basis of the divorce which Mrs. Luxford brought and was granted in 1639 against Mr. Luxford. In the end, Mr. Luxford was ordered to give Mrs. Luxford all of his property and he was banished to England.   Some would argue that divorce hasn’t really changed.